The Best Fire Extinguisher Training

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This course teaches employees how to use a fire extinguisher and provides basic knowledge which are useful for fire safety.

Why Do You Need Fire Extinguisher Training?

“Do I aim at the top of the fire?”

“How long does a fire extinguisher last?”

“Do I have the right fire extinguisher?”

“Should I just run for my life?”

These questions are all quite common when an unsuspecting person encounters a fire, both large and small. Often times, the best response to limit property damage and injury to employees is to use an extinguisher. For larger fires, the best response is to evacuate and call 9-1-1 immediately. While this seems quite intuitive, the best course of action is not always obvious. And this is why you should implement a simple, but effective fire extinguisher training.

Proper Training Expectations

Now, let’s be completely transparent here. This course for employees is not designed to fight fires like Kurt Russell in Backdraft. It is also not designed to fight large fires which are already well beyond the scope of a single fire extinguisher. This fire extinguisher training, however, will provide the tools to help make decisions when fighting a fire, which could occur anywhere, from any ignition source (e.g. an outlet, in a frying pan, or small office fires).

There are several tasks that each employee should understand when it comes to fires. By the end of this training, they should be able to:

  • Explain the fire triangle and how it applies to extinguishing all types of fires
  • Demonstrate proper selection of a fire extinguisher based on the class of fire that is present
  • Illustrate how to use the PASS technique to extinguish a fire with a fire extinguisher

When someone understands the basics of a fire (oxygen, fuel, and heat) and how to eliminate just one of those elements, they can feel comfortable approaching small fires. By the end of fire extinguisher training, you should be able to think about how you would approach each of the following:

  • A fire in a trash can
  • Electrical outlet which is smoking
  • Smoking microwave

You Can Get Custom Fire Extinguisher Training For Your Company

Fire extinguisher training won’t provide an answer to every specific fire incident. However, it will provide learners with the know-how for a proper fire response. They will understand that a fire in a trash can can be smoldered by covering it and eliminating the oxygen, or using an extinguisher. They will understand that an electrical outlet starts as a Class E fire, and the best first response is to simply turn off the power. And a smoking microwave because someone over-cooked their popcorn? There is certainly a practical answer for that as well.

Fires cause billions of dollars in damage every year. The impact of a fire can often be significantly reduced by a fast and early response. The best way to provide a fast and early response is for everyone to have the knowledge around basic fire safety and identify the fires which they can attempt to extinguish. With this, we can all work together to minimize the potential damage of fires both in the workplace, our homes, and our environment.

We have developed custom versions of this topic for many clients. This is an example previously developed using creative commons content.

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