Simple and Efficient Learning Management System (LMS)

What did they want?

An LMS administrator was needed to gather all company training, select a a Learning Management System (LMS), and organize the courses on the LMS. Instead of hiring a full-time LMS administrator, SEED created an efficient and organized system with effortless accessibility to a diverse workforce.

What did we do?
  • Researched 20+ vendors for an LMS which matched the company budget and future
  • Presented 3 high quality LMS candidates to the executive staff
  • Negotiated rates and conditions of LMS vendor contract
  • Uploaded all company training materials
  • Researched, verified, and implemented historical training data and rosters

The Solution

We recognized three key goals when designing and building their LMS:

  • Robust system which could have unique logins for several companies
  • Less than $20 per learner per year
  • User-friendly interface for office and plant staff

The final selection was Torch LMS (which has since been acquired by Absorb). There are many budget friendly LMS options, but they often have clunky user interfaces or they are difficult for new administrators to manage. We found that Torch LMS was a good option for several reasons.

The system used a tiered approach for their learning assignments and their administration. This allowed each of the companies owned by GILLIG’s parent company to have unique logins, colors and user interfaces.

The user interface (UI) is clean and simple. As a result, it is easy to navigate when searching the course catalogue, registering for classroom sessions, or working on the admin console.

The Results

The system was a resounding success. At SEED, we aim to optimize the client’s training budgets, so there can focus on what’s important for the employees. As a result, here are just a few of the positive results:

  • The client did not hire an LMS administrator, saving budget for other training projects
  • Since they did not hire a new employee, no LMS administrator training was required (this was included with SEED services)
  • We negotiated a rate of 11$ per learner per year, saving over 45% of their expected LMS spending budget
  • In the first full year of LMS administration, there were 1,147 course completions registered across their organization
  • 15 of 18 departments registered course completions on the LMS, highlighting companywide adoption of training through the learning management system
  • An annual feedback survey had 23% of respondents replying that, “This is the the best e-learning platform I’ve ever used.”

Do you need help with your LMS?

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